recently heard the saying that a person without a goal is like a ship without a rudder. I agree with this statement. Think about it: A rudder tells a ship which direction to go. Otherwise, a boat may be tossed about and never really get anywhere close to the final destination. In the same way, goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction.

Every business marketing plan needs goals. Goals help you choose which marketing strategies to try, enable you to measure success and give you the opportunity to learn from mistakes. Otherwise, as my co-worker Candice likes to say, your marketing may be like “throwing spaghetti against the wall hoping something will stick.”

How to Write Goals for Your Marketing Plan


I suggest coming up with one to three marketing goals each year or quarter. These could be goals like, “Increase foot traffic by 10% year over year.” Or, “increase website visits by 15% from the previous quarter.” Or, “get 100 new business leads by the end of 2020.”

The key to writing goals is to make them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based).


Specific means that your goal is clearly defined. There is no vagueness or ambiguity concerning what the goal is or who it’s for. Write a specific goal by answering Who, What, When, Where and Why.


A measurable goal contains criteria that will tell you whether or not you’ve achieved it. Ask yourself, “How will I know when I’ve reached my goal?”


If a goal isn’t attainable or achievable, you’ll have problems visioning actionable steps to take. This doesn’t mean it should be really easy, though. Strive for middle ground. Consider whether or not you have access to the resources you need to possibly achieve your goal, and look to see if others in your circles have been able to achieve it.


Make sure your goals are relevant…are they worth achieving? Do they coincide with your business’s overall strategic plan?


When will it be done? Maybe a goal won’t actually be finished in the time you’ve set, but at least you’ll know when it’s time to measure results and re-think your tactics.

Does your business have marketing goals? Barnyard Marketing can help you achieve them through attention-grabbing graphic design and social media plans. Contact Us for pricing today.